Your focus determines your reality
Pier9 Walkabout
561 Views, 0 Favorites
DeepLens: the First Encounter
884 Views, 1 Favorites
Seal the Deal
1.0K Views, 6 Favorites
Home Automation Chatbot
3.7K Views, 8 Favorites
Privacy Goggles an Urban Armour
1.4K Views, 7 Favorites
SPEEEduino: a Christmas Special
2.7K Views, 26 Favorites
Guide to AWS Educate Starter Account
18K Views, 5 Favorites
ESP32 With Arduino IDE
117K Views, 64 Favorites
3.8K Views, 49 Favorites
The Closeness Ring: Wireless Powered Fiber Optic Ring
3.2K Views, 35 Favorites
Beginner's ESP32 Guide to Assembly & (beta) Testing
55K Views, 51 Favorites
Lightsaber Ala Over-easy
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3 Ingredients Boozy Ice Cream Bread (epic Failed)
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ESP8266 Maker's IoT Kit: PCB Breakout
31K Views, 71 Favorites
Programming ESP8266 ESP-12E NodeMCU V1.0 With Arduino IDE Into Wireless Temperature Logger
198K Views, 143 Favorites
Singles Appreciation Day (S.A.D) Auto Dater
912 Views, 3 Favorites
How to Rendang Beef (South East Asia Curry Beef)
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Internet Controlled Lamp With ESP8266 Wifi Relay IoT
51K Views, 108 Favorites
Make IoT Smart Device With SSR Multiplug
4.2K Views, 18 Favorites
A Newbie's Guide to Setup ESP8266 With Arduino Mega 2560 or Uno
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ATtiny85 Spectrum Analyzer With Fix_FFT
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Cheapest DIY Sous Vide Setup at $5.97
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Techno Mohawk
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\m/ Rock on Rave Helmet for Electric Run, Electro Dance Music
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Wireless Powered Bling Diffused With Sideglow Fiber Optics : Project You Are the ONE
38K Views, 252 Favorites
How to Re-purpose Dead Laptop's LCD
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Sixpence 3D Scanning Kit
5.7K Views, 36 Favorites
Fiber Optic LED Bling
14K Views, 34 Favorites
DIY Light Saber For
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