Lifelong technology geek
Workout Routine Timer
1.3K Views, 3 Favorites
Around the World Time Clock
3.8K Views, 20 Favorites
TM1637 7 Segment Display - Making It Work!
28K Views, 17 Favorites
Sprouting Alfalfa Sprouts in a Mason Jar
26K Views, 24 Favorites
Indoor Greenhouse With Touch Screen Control - Updated 6/11
11K Views, 150 Favorites
Simple DIY Motion Nightlight
2.9K Views, 24 Favorites
Simple DIY Bedside Phone Charger, Nightlight & Clock
1.7K Views, 21 Favorites
Arduino Top 10 Must Know Basics
3.0K Views, 64 Favorites
HUGE Update for GoPro Panorama (ver.2)
1.6K Views, 33 Favorites
DIY Simple Water Box
6.2K Views, 72 Favorites
DIY Adjustable Bench Power Supply
22K Views, 237 Favorites