Joined January 1st, 201419 Instructables 546,132 Views 257 Comments 287 Followers
zymurgeneticist's Instructables
100+ Comments
Earned a bronze medal
10K+ Views
Earned a bronze medal
10+ Featured Instructable
Earned a silver medal
Contest Winner
Second Prize in the Arduino All The Things! Contest
Contest Winner
Runner Up in the Caffeine Challenge
Contest Winner
Second Prize in the Wearable Tech Contest
Contest Winner
Runner Up in the Paleo Recipe Challenge
Contest Winner
Second Prize in the Explore Science Contest
Contest Winner
First Prize in the Tailgate Challenge
Contest Winner
First Prize in the Superfood Challenge
Contest Winner
Third Prize in the Halloween Food Contest
Contest Winner
Third Prize in the Gardening & Homesteading Contest
Contest Winner
Third Prize in the Green Design Contest