Minecraft Guide to Everything.
new! finaly out the minecraft guide to every thing!
these buildings are perfect to live in. and for your city.
Basic House.
this cosy house is perfect for beginers.
for the roof it cand be whatever you want but not whool because if it gets struck by lightning it rareley happens but i wouldnt risk the chance. or gravel it will just slide. glass would look nice.
Large Farm House.
this is advanced level. but its buetifull.
X-ray Machine (easy)
after doing what the picture says you have to do the same with what you did with the sticky pistons this time with tnt in front of the sticky pistons. now get some redstone dust and a lever and put some red stone dust going right or left from the pistons then make it go towards the empty hole (the one in front of the t.n.t) then add the lever. go in the hole then jump and hit the lever and there it is it wont always do it thats only if you dont do it on the right timing.
Pirate Ship
Crafting Block of Diamond.
to craft on classic crafting in minecraft x-box 360 you go on settings check all the tabs there will be a check box in one of those that says classic crafting check that or on game options.
Modern House Easy.
this nice and cozy home will show how rich you are.
Survival House
finish the rest to the same hight as the highest part.