# Imagemagick
# "Imagemagick" is a free image manipulation program.
# "imagemagick" is available for linux, mac, and windows and should be free
# I have pretty much only used "imagemagick" on the command line
# There is at least a minimal user interface, but option on command line are much bigger
# Gimp
# Full image manipulation program that is free
# you could compare it to photoshop
# "Gimp" is available for linux, mac, and windows
# Inkscape
# Free vector graphics program, great for preparing the svg images needed for creating the gcode
# "Inkscape" is available for linux, mac, and windows
# Take Color Away From Image with imagemagick:
# To match all colors except black you can use +opaque "#000000".
# In order to include a little range around #000000 you can try different percentages with the fuzz operator:
convert input.png -fill white -fuzz 10% +opaque "#000000" result.png
# This work with "-fuzz 50% with the Superbendersign
# Convert image into black and White with imagemagick:
# If you want two colors only (black and white), then you need to threshold, for example, to select the color where above will be white and below will be black
convert -threshold xx%
#where xx is in range 0-100 (for percent)
# Example:
convert SuperFenceBWV5.png -threshold 90% SuperFenceBWV5-90.png
# the percentage should help to get a smoother result, i.e. not very pixely lines, which will help later when creating the svg file
# Make selection bigger in Gimp:
# If you want to change size of a feature you can (i) select the shape, (ii) grow or shrink it.
# This may allow you to make something bigger, or to create more clearance between individual shapes by shrinking them.
+ open image in gimp
+ make sure you have solid color shapes, which work best for selection
+ select the shape of your choice with: Tools/Selection Tools/Fuzzy Select
+ grow the shape with: Select/Grow
+ fill black color in with: Edit/Fill with FG color
# which is often black
# Make selection smaller in Gimp:
# If you want to change size of a feature you can (i) select the shape, (ii) grow or shrink it.
# This may allow you to make something bigger, or to create more clearance between individual shapes by shrinking them.
+ open image in gimp
+ make sure you have solid color shapes, which work best for selection
+ select the shape of your choice with: Tools/Selection Tools/Fuzzy Select
+ shrink the shape with: Select/Shrink
+ remove (black) color around by:
+ opening tool box with: Windows/Toolbox
# often the fill color is black, you need to change it to another color even if your image is grayscale
+ double click on foreground color to change it
+ fill the inside space by selecting: Tools/Paint Tools/Bucket Fill
+ clicking on space
# fill color should be there or at least gray
+ select the outside black ring by: Tools/Selection Tools/Fuzzy Select
+ click on outside ring
+ erase it by pressing: "delete"
+ select gray space and convert to black by: Tools/Selection Tools/Fuzzy Select
+ click on gray space
+ Tools/Paint Tools/Bucket Fill
+ select black foreground color by:
+ opening tool box with: Windows/Toolbox
# often the fill color is black, you need to change it to another color even if your image is grayscale
+ double click on foreground color to change it
+ clicking on space
+ shrink the shape with: Select/Shrink
# Move individual shape in Gimp:
# You may want to move a shape to the correct position or to make sure you have enough supporting material surrounding it.
+ open image in gimp
+ make sure you have solid color shapes, which work best for selection
+ select the shape of your choice with: Tools/Selection Tools/Fuzzy Select
# For whatever reason you cannot move the shape yet. It needs to be isolated from the rest of the image
+ cut out the shape with: ctrl + x
+ copy it back in with: ctrl + v
+ move the shape by:
+ selecting: Tools/Transform Tools/Move
+ then: using arrow keys, or: dragging it
# Save image as .png and .jpg
+ File/Export As
+ Select .png
+ pick file name
+ press Export
+ Select "0" for Compression
+ Select "Save Resolution"
+ Select "Save Creation Time"
+ press Export
# Save image as .jpg
+ File/Export As
+ Select .jpg
+ pick file name
+ press Export
+ Select "100" for Quality
+ press Export
# Change the page size in gimp
+ File/Document Properties
+ Open Page tab
+ change units to "in"
+ change values to the desired values to increase the size of the page
# Change size of image in inkscap
+ On upper menu button bar lock the ration of Width (W:) and Height (H:) by closing the lock (or ensuring it is closed)
+ select the unit you want to use right of the H: box
+ select either the width (W:) or the height (H:) of choice => the other value should trail.
+ save the file
# Adjust origin with respect to cutting
# The origin is the lower left corner of the page
# The origin is converted 1:1 into the gcode origin when using makercam
+ The image can be moved away from the lower left corner of the page by:
+ on the top menu find X: value and change it to move the image (+ = right, - = left)
+ on the top menu find Y: value and change it to move the image (+ = up, - = down)
# Convert .jpg image to .svg
+ Open inkscape and load image
+ Select image
+ Path/Trace Bitmap
+ For Black/White use:
+ Single scan
+ Pick: "Brightness cutoff" with Threshold 0.5 (or other)
+ Press ok
+ you can alternatively:
+ pick "colors"
+ 2 scans + 1 for every additional color
+ Smooth
+ "Remove background" is optional as we work in black & white
+ After you pressed ok the bitmap image is traced and a vector graphics image is created
+ The original image (pixely) is below the svg image (smooth)
+ Grab the top image and move it to the side
+ Check which image is the pixely image and erase it
+ Check if the image is really smooth or if you have a lot of nodes
+ on the left vertical menu bar check the "Node selection" button
+ this is below the standard selection tool which is a black arrow
+ this is a black triangle pointing at a square which is connected with a couple of lines to other squares
+ click on it, then click on a line of your image
+ all "curve points" and "inflection points" should be indicated by square dots on the image
+ if you have only a few dots, you don't need to do anything
+ if you have many dots, then you can try to simplify the image with: Path/Simplify
+ check the image, it should have much less nodes and look smoother
+ you can repeat this process, but if you do it too much you may distort the image
+ Save the .svg image
# Check the resolution to later enter it in makercam
+ Edit/Preferences/Bitmap
=> in the current version 96 dpi is used
# Makercam conversion to gcode (from .svg to .nc)
# Set resolution to match that of inkscape
+ open "makercam.com" in browser
+ set resolution by:
+ Edit/Edit Preferences => SVG Import Default Resolution (px/inch): 96
+ press "Ok"
# Load svg file
+ File/Open SVG File
+ select file on your computer
+ click "Open"
=> file appears in window
=> check if:
+ size is correct
+ all features are there
+ origin allows you to place design on Maslow CNC