const int LED =13; // set Led indicator (pin nbr) const int BTPWR=12; // set Power (pin nbr) char nomeBT[13]="HC - 08"; // set Char " new Name & numbers of caracters of this new name [13] " char pin[5]="0007"; void setup(){ pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); // set LED Output pinMode(BTPWR, OUTPUT); // set LED Power Output digitalWrite(LED, LOW); digitalWrite(BTPWR, HIGH); Serial.begin(9600); // SET Baud Rate Speed Serial.print("AT"); // SET Module to " Program Mode " delay(1000); Serial.print("AT+NAME"); // SET Module to " Program New Name " Serial.print("HC - 08"); // SET " New Name " Serial.print("\r\n"); delay(1000); Serial.print("AT+BAUD:"); // SET Baud SPEED "to Comm with Module " Serial.print("9600"); // SET Baud SPEED Serial.print("\r\n"); delay(1000); Serial.print("AT+PIN"); // SET MOdule to " new Password " Serial.print("0007"); // SET " Password " default = ( 1234 ) Serial.print("\r\n"); delay(1000); digitalWrite(LED, HIGH); // all Job is DONE Congrats ! visit : ! } void loop(){ }