Wine Cork Coasters

I had some wine corks left over from a different project so I decided to make coasters with them. This is a simple project to make. The corks I have are cut in half so that one side is flat. I had scrap wood I glued them too that was 1/4 inch in width. Cork sizes are not all the same so line them up the best you can and then cut them so that there straight. You can make different patterns with corks too if you choose.
Tools and Supplies

hot glue gun
hot glue sticks
saw hand or jig saw
tape measure
straight edge
sand paper
wood to mount corks on. 1/4 inch
corks collect own or order online or craft store
Glue Corks

I first laid out the corks for where theyre going to be glued down. Try to get the cork sizes the same if not can always cut later. Once you have them laid out where you want start gluing them down one at a time. I used a hot glue gun but could use other glues too. If you want can add weight to them to push down the glue so they stick better.
Cut and Sand

I used a jig saw to cut the coasters. I glued them on one piece of wood about the width of the corks. After they dried. I cut the individual coasters trimming off some of the corks when cutting. can leave the corks the length they are for a more natural look I squared mine up. After that sand the edges and your done.