Robots Projects Sorted By Views
Auto-Chef Robot Made Using Old 3d Printer Cooking Soup !
Comparing LEGO SPIKE Prime Programming : Which Is Best for Robotics Competitions? - 2
Comparing LEGO SPIKE Prime Programming : Which Is Best for Robotics Competitions? - 1
Introducing SPIKE-RT: the C Language Software Platform for LEGO SPIKE Prime
AI Powered Robot Using ESP32 and Arduino
Hexapod Robot
Esghati: a Robot Made From Garbage
LIllI the Humanoid Robot for ROS2 and AI Experiments by Personal Robotics
GMAC Surveillance Robot
AI-Aided Inchworm Robot for Colonoscopy
Custom Stepper Controller PCB With Encoder
Enhancing LEGO SPIKE Prime Line Follower With C: Speed & Stability Comparison
STM32 Robot Arm With Smartphone Control
How to Make a Target Chasing Robot Car Using Raspberry Pi Pico
Model Wheelchair Robot With Pico Controller on Stripboard
Scooter Bot - 3D Printed Vibrating Robot Toy
Self-Driving Upcycled Cybertruck
Swervebot: 3d-Printed Lego-compatible Omnidirectional Robot
Transparent Themed BB-8 Robot From Star Wars.
Remote Controlled Dalek (Doctor Who)
3D Printed QDD Robotic Actuator (MIT Mini Cheetah Clone)
Robotic Line Follow Robot
Megazilla Simulation
Cute Desktop Companion Robot (TN24)
Neo, an AI Desktop Assistant!
4-Legged Spider Robot With 3D Printed Parts (8 Servo Motors and an ESP32)
Solve a Sudoku Puzzle With a CNC Machine
OpenCycloid - 3D-printed Open-Source Robotic Actuator
E-GOR the Retro Robot
A Robotic Arm, Based on Mg90s Servos and 28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor.
The Smart Fish. Programmable Robot
Autoguided Telescope
DIY Boost Converter With XL6019E: Power Up to 48V 2A
Tillu - the Robot
Air Hockey Robot With Shot Prediction
Surface Water Maze Solver Robot V0.5
Two-Wheeled Drive Car With a Robotic Arm
Ghost Candy Dispenser
Mobile Controlled Microbit Based Cardboard Robot
Robot Arm Hands Out Halloween Candy
Campus Rover
Lily∞Bot With Micro:Bit and Motor:Bit Does Obstacle Avoidance
Spooky Halloween Animatronics With Arduino and Bottango!
Foil Man
How to Make a Scrubberbot (Breadboard Prototype)
Cat Toy 1.0
BEAPER Pico: the Beginner Electronics and Programming Educational Robot for Raspberry Pi Pico
BEAPER Nano: the Beginner Electronics and Programming Educational Robot for Arduino Nano ESP32
Voice Control Robotics Dog
Build a Wireless BLDC Motor Driver Using TMC6200 and ESP32S3! | High-Power Motor Control | ERAD
Differential Wheeled Robot With IR Sensing
Smoothly Animated Robot Eyes on OLED Displays With the RoboEyes Library
Remote Controlled Self-Balancing Robot
Self-playing Ukulele Robot Using Arduino
Drone Navigation - Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree
Line Follower Robot
Spider Robot DIY (Quadruped)
SimpleGripper - Open-source 2DOF Parallel Gripper
So Many Robots DIY - Print in Place Robot With Python and Raspberry Pi Pico W